Psychotronic Torture: Mind Control Using Electromagnetic Radiation
Implanting sounds and ideas into people's minds, and using them as a Psychotronic weapon to kill and do the actions the controller wants. Learn what Psychotronic Torture is.
Theory of Knowledge: Depths of Understanding Or Wisdom
In this article explore what is Theory of Knowledge and its connection to the profound understanding of knowledge and wisdom that comes from studying and reflecting upon it.
Existence: Is Your Reality a Complex Computer Simulation?
Know the answers to all these questions with a scientific approach and quotes. Why do some physicists believe that physical matter is not real? What scientific experiments have changed our view of reality? Is everything we see just a computer simulation, not reality?
Whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang’s Tragic case
Dr. Li Wenliang, the doctor who gave earlier warnings of the pandemic, was silenced by the authorities. Whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang's Tragic case.
Secret Societies: The World’s Most Conspiratorial Secret Societies
Learn about the world's most conspiratorial secret societies in this article. These secret societies have been facing serious allegations of controlling the world in secret, infiltrating our culture, and exerting a mystical influence in our society.
Men’s Rights Movement in India
Explore why the narrative of gender equality often seems one-sided and understand the need for stronger laws for men’s rights in India, highlighting the pressing reasons for legal reform and balanced advocacy.
Dark and Conspiracy sides of Coronavirus(COVID-19) Pandemic
In this article, we have discussed Dark and Conspiracy sides of Coronavirus(COVID-19) Pandemic. Most of the conspiracy theories spread as quickly as the deadly disease.
What The Bleep Do We Know? Documentary
What the Bleep Do We Know? Documentary. Explore the Depths of Perception and Reality And Also Understand the criticisms surrounding its scientific accuracy.
Urban Agriculture: Cultivating a Sustainable Future in the Concrete Jungle
In this article, learn about the various facets of urban agriculture and explore its potential to transform our cities into sustainable and resilient spaces.