Friday, December 27, 2024

Modern Warfare

Concepts, methods, and technology, emphasizing how combatants must modernize to preserve their battle worthiness. It a contemporary warfare that includes Biological, Information, psychological, space, cyber, chemical, and more types of warfare.

A Military Scientist Operating a Laser in a Test Environment. | Credit: United States Air Force.

Directed Energy Weapons: Evolving Technology of the Modern Warfare

Laser weapons once thought to be science fiction now becoming true. Learn what Directed energy weapons are and the potential they hold for the future of warfare and defense.
Artistic illustration of global information grid

Worldwide Network of Information Transmission and Processing in Military

A globally networked, end-to-end collection of information capabilities for on-demand to warfighters, policymakers, and supporting all the defense forces.
Illustration of Quantum Sensing

Quantum Sensing Technologies in Modern Warfare

In this article learn about the applications of quantum sensing in warfare, and explore how quantum technologies could reshape the modern battlefield.


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