Operation Whitewash: A Laser Beam Experiment of R&AW and DRDO or...
What was Operation Whitewash? was it a Joint operation of DRDO and R&AW? or a highly confidential Laser Beam Experiment? Learn in this article.
Roscosmos(Роскосмос): The Soviet Space Program and its Secrecy
The Soviet Space Program, the Roscosmos State Corporation. Know all about The Soviet Space Program from its history to the Soviet Space Program Secrecy.
The Evolution of Honey Trap From Ancient Times to the Digital...
The evolution of honey trap from ancient times to the digital era and how it has affected both individuals and nations. What precautions one can take to protect oneself?
Philadelphia Experiment: A Conspiracy Widely Considered a Hoax
Philadelphia Experiment, A conspiracy theory that is widely considered a hoax. What was the Philadelphia Experiment? know more in this article.
Typhoid Mary: A Victim or A Killer
Story of Mary Mallon who unwittingly spread typhoid fever, causing deaths. Was she a victim or a killer? Explore the complexities in this fascinating article.
Operation Brainwash: Story of a Psychiatrist and His Unethical Medical Experiments
Story of a psychiatrist who was trying to control the minds of patients with unethical medical experiments with the help of the CIA which raised serious ethical concerns.
Psychotronic Torture: Mind Control Using Electromagnetic Radiation
Implanting sounds and ideas into people's minds, and using them as a Psychotronic weapon to kill and do the actions the controller wants. Learn what Psychotronic Torture is.
Candy Jones: A Secret Agent of the CIA Mind-Control Program
How a beautiful fashion model and writer, of the World War II-era, become a secret agent of the CIA mind-control program and claimed to be a victim of Project MKULTRA.
Nina Kulagina: Woman With Ability to Move Objects Using Mind
Nina Kulagina and her fascinating world of psychic phenomena that forced the US and the Soviets to experiment the Psychic warfare.
The Journey of Albert Einstein’s Brain
Learn how Thomas Harvey stole Albert Einstein's brain to unreveal the secrets of his genius, for which he had to risk everything.
Gloomy Sunday: A Suicide Song or a Myth
The fascinating story of Gloomy Sunday, a Song that many believe made many people take their own lives. Is it really a Suicide Song or a myth, find out.
Piltdown Man Mystery: Missing Link Between Humans and Apes or Fraud
The interesting story of Piltdown Man mystery which created controversy and embarrassment and was also seen as a matter of shame and fraud.