Comments for Unrevealed Files Uncover Fascinating Stories And Insights Sun, 17 Nov 2024 02:35:48 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Artificial City: The Future of Artificially Intelligence Society by statsndata Thu, 14 Nov 2024 13:04:28 +0000 Great post! For unparalleled market insights and research resources tailored specifically to the market research industry, explore Stats N Data ( Our platform offers invaluable market intelligence across diverse domains, empowering businesses with actionable insights that drive success. Looking forward to more engaging content from you!

Comment on Psychotronic Torture: Mind Control Using Electromagnetic Radiation by Murshin Sun, 18 Aug 2024 07:57:57 +0000 In Korsakov, Sakhalin Island, there is one of the training grounds in the world where the population is subjected to massive psionic influence. This is why people
there they die and go crazy. Those who survived after irradiation and did not go crazy become psionics of varying strengths, but with limited intelligence
intellect. Some of them are attracted “to serve the motherland”, the rest are used in the dark for all sorts of dirty deeds and as auxiliary
material for breeding a breed of super-psychics. In Russia, the GRU and the FSB are directly behind this. In other countries, similar
special services. The beginning of activities on Sakhalin is unknown, perhaps from the moment of development (50s of the 20th century). During the Cold War
psionics were planned to be used, as is clear, for remote influence on the enemy and for mass throwing into the camp
enemy. Now they are used for commercial purposes by various power and financial groups.
At the end of the topic there will be links, read in this order:
Others continued 3 paragraph “On the grounds of paranoia, but this is not paranoia (that is, believe it or not)”,
and paragraph “More about the next link in “evolution”
then Others continued 4 paragraph “More about the next link in evolution”
and final in Others continued 5 paragraph “More about Korsakov and Sakhalin” and paragraph “More about Korsakov” and Others continued 6
paragraph “About generators for the translator”,”Memo to victims of the psycho-Holocaust”.
But then it’s better to read the entire study.

Comment on Psychotronic Torture: Mind Control Using Electromagnetic Radiation by Turkiye halki Sat, 27 Apr 2024 02:56:54 +0000 Turkiyede faşist radikal dincilerin sosyal demokrat Atatürk cu laik aydin insanlara uyguladığı bir işkence ve suikast yöntemi dır vericilerden baz istasyonlarından uydulardan ses dalgasi silahlari lrad sistemleri ile birlikte zihinkontrolu yapılıyor insan kulağını başını patlatan bu ses sinyallerle kalp tansiyon sorunları oluşturuyorlar devlet iktidar faşist radikaller den oluştuğu için faşist dinci guruplara bunu yaptırıyor kirli işler her zaman sivillere yaptırılıyor çünkü devlet yasaları çiğneyerek fakat bu şekildedir cigniyor

Comment on Psychotronic Torture: Mind Control Using Electromagnetic Radiation by Halk Mon, 22 Apr 2024 21:35:00 +0000 Elektromanyetik mindcontrol torture yapılırken ses dalgasi silahlari lrad ile birlikte kullanılıyor kulak hasarı vertigo beyin soklari tansiyon kalp sorunları oluşturuyorlar biz yıllardır turkiyede buna maruz kalıyoruz hükumetin radikal dinci olması ve radikal dini guruplara bunu yaptırması sonucu ağır sonuçlar doğurmaktadır radikal dinci guruplar acımasız suikastcilardir tüm dünyada bu biliniyor

Comment on Psychotronic Torture: Mind Control Using Electromagnetic Radiation by NaZ Fri, 15 Mar 2024 15:54:54 +0000 There will be no proof without a secret investigation conducted by an independent organization or individuals. The victims of these psychotronic weapons are usually socially or politically disliked, marginalized, or hated, often considered ‘weak people.’ The so-called ‘program’ involves a group of people, including the victim’s neighbors and family. Therefore, dismissing these claims as baseless without conducting any secret investigations on the ‘hot victims’ (those actively under attack) is unfounded. Trying to share this story with a psychiatrist, regardless of one’s status, even if they were the President of the US, would yield the same response.

Comment on Psychotronic Torture: Mind Control Using Electromagnetic Radiation by Mustafa batu Sat, 17 Feb 2024 03:33:25 +0000 Elektromanyetik zihinkontrolu yıllardır bize uygulanıyor nasıl uygulanıyor vericilerden baz istasyonları gibi yerlerden ses geliyor bu sesle kulak zarı yaralanıyor ve zar bir şekilde inceliyor ve esneklesiyor bu sayede kurbanlar güçlü bir şekilde kulak ağrısı hissederken sinyal ve ses beyne güçlü bir şekilde girer ve sadece kurban konuşma seslerini basınçlı sesi duyar ilginç bir şekilde kulak 0 desibelin altındaki sesi duyar ve kulak zarı ağrı yapar aslında tüm şehre yayın yapilir ve sadece kulağı harap edilenler bu yayından etkilenir tabiki toplumsal zihinkontrolu başka bir kategorik sinyal ses sistemleri muhakkak vardır kısacası vahşi barbar bir uygulama saygilarimla istanbul

Translation: Electromagnetic mind control has been applied to us for years. How is it applied? Sound comes from transmitters from places such as base stations. With this sound, the eardrum is injured and the membrane thins and becomes flexible. In this way, while the victims feel a strong earache, the signal and sound enter the brain strongly and only the victim hears the speech sounds with the pressurized sound. Interestingly, the ear hears the sound below 0 decibels and it causes pain in the eardrum. In fact, it is broadcast to the whole city and only those whose ears are damaged are affected by this broadcast. Of course, social mind control is another categorical signal. There are definitely sound systems. In short, it is a wild barbaric application. Best regards, Istanbul

Comment on Chemical Warfare: Intentional Use of Toxins in Warfare by donoh29 Sun, 07 Jan 2024 23:07:12 +0000 for a criminal elite to declare chemical weapon VOC treated petroleum distillates into a floating gel, buy houses to release it, to buy cheap, sell dear or insure and burn them down. and declare the method, grafting into bought property to release into environs to gain more land thusly, then have it be called a flu virus, Yet here we are, and Isis like group occupying said spray house network and no one the wiser. tongue in cheek hopefully, peace n out

Comment on Richard Feynman: An Influential popular theoretical scientist of the 20th century by NetSuite Partners in India Wed, 01 Nov 2023 05:42:10 +0000 I especially appreciate how you provided practical examples to illustrate each point. Looking forward to more insightful content from you in the future.
NetSuite Partners in India

Comment on Quantum Cryptography: Data Security at the Quantum Level by Editorial Team Wed, 20 Sep 2023 11:50:34 +0000 In reply to David.

We are grateful, that you found this article helpful.

Comment on Quantum Cryptography: Data Security at the Quantum Level by David Wed, 20 Sep 2023 11:43:24 +0000 I was researching about quantum cryptography, read many articles but found only this article easy to understand. Thanks!
